Asbestos Testing
Amber Asbestos Services provides an Asbestos Testing service to provide peace of mind to domestic, commercial and industrial clients who are concerned about the possible presence of asbestos in their building materials.
The following items all included asbestos at one time and are those that we test most regularly.
Sampling & Analytical Techniques
Only by testing can it be defined whether or not asbestos is present.
We will attend your property and sample any items of concern.
All sampling is undertaken causing the minimum possible nuisance and potential risk to health and safety. As required under the Control of Asbestos 2012, dust release during sampling is reduced to as low as reasonably practicable.
Where applicable this includes the following measures:
- Isolation of the sampling area
- Damping of the material by an atomiser spray to suppress dust release
- Appropriate cleaning and removal of any fallen debris
- Use of personal protective equipment
- After sampling any broken or unsealed material with potential to cause airborne dust is sealed with tape and any remaining dust or debris is removed by wet wiping. Immediately after collection, all samples are double sealed in self-seal plastic bags.
- Great care is taken to prevent cross-contamination between samples. Any disposable material used in sampling or dust created whilst sampling is treated as contaminated and is taken away in sealed plastic bags and stored as asbestos waste awaiting disposal.
Samples are then taken to a UKAS accredited laboratory for analysis. All analytical work is carried out in accordance with the HSE publication ‘Asbestos: The analysts’ guide for sampling, analysis and clearance procedures’ reference HSG 248 published 2005.
Issue of Certificate and Further Advice
We will then issue the ‘Analysis of Bulk Materials for Asbestos’ Certificate within 2 working days. If no asbestos is detected then that will be the end of our involvement. If asbestos is detected then we will provide the client with advice on the options available – ranging from: